New CBI member, Lego has announced that it will launch two exclusive sets to mark Chinese New Year. The move is the latest step made by the Danish toy manufacturer to develop its presence in China. Lego CEO, Niels B. Christiansen made the announcement at last week’s China International Import Expo. in Shanghai. At the launch, Mr. Christiansen was keen to point out to that the sets would be ‘The first time [Lego] have made sets for a specific country or region,’ an approach which demonstrates that Lego is well aware of the unique challenges that companies face when selling into the China market.
Lego has identified the China market as its most important market based on its growth potential. Lego’s presentation at the CIIE focussed on how Lego sought to inspire the minds of the next generation of Chinese children. Mr Christiansen set out Lego’s intentions in China clearly, "If you measure it by turnover, the United States is the biggest toy market in the world, as well as for Lego. But if you look forward, the potential, the opportunity and growth rates in China are amazing. So, if you look at growth potential, China is the most important market.”
The company is already enjoying very positive China sales. Across other markets Lego reported its first sales decline in 13 years. However, in China, Lego is reporting post double-digit growth.
In addition to launching two China-exclusive sets, Lego has also changed how it engages with the market by building up the brand’s profile online.
At the beginning on 2018, Lego partnered with Tencent, China's biggest social network and gaming company, to develop a series of games set in the Lego worlds and increasing the exposure of Lego’s characters in China. The partnership has been very successful, Lego’s online digital media materials have been downloaded 600 million times since the start of this year alone. Lego and Tencent are also partnering to expand the company’s presence in offline gaming over the next couple of months, by launching a video game which will be playable on all major gaming consoles.
Against such success online, the company has also taken steps to develop its offline presence. Lego will double its footprint in China, by opening 140 stores in more than 30 cities by the end of 2019, up from the current 47 stores in 16 cities.
Lego currently enjoys 3% market share in China. However, the company is confident that as the country’s IP environment continues to improve, Lego’s market share will increase as ‘copy-cats’ and products which closely resemble Lego designs disappear from the market. Lego’s CEO addressed this point directly during the product launch at the CIIE, "Creating a business environment with more respect and protection for intellectual property is going to be very important. [Lego] can engage much more, with a higher safety level when intellectual property is better respected [in China].”
The new Lego sets to celebrate Chinese New Year are expected to hit the shops in January of 2019.
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